More than 300,000 auto accidents every year can be linked to fatigued drivers who fall asleep at the wheel, and more than 6000 of these crashes end in deaths. The first step to preventing this auto accidents is to make drivers aware of the risk of driving while fatigued. That data comes from the Governors […]
Summer road-trip season is here, which means thousands of people will hit the roads all throughout the country to travel to their vacation destinations. Oftentimes these trips involve long drives, sometimes overnight, on a seemingly endless stretch of highway.  During these long road-trips, many drivers will ignore the need to stop and rest adequately, and […]
Sleep experts have long believed that drowsiness or lack of sleep contributes to a higher accident risk involving drowsy drivers. A new study strongly confirms the link between less sleep and a higher accident risk. Earlier research conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety had estimated that a total of 7% of all accidents, […]
In recent years, many states, including the state of Georgia, have placed an even greater emphasis on the importance of curbing instances of distracted and drunken driving. Millions of dollars have spent on ad campaigns designed to directly target motorists to who text and drive, with one of the most noticeable campaigns being the “It […]